

Above the Fold

The material that shows on the screen above the point where the user must scroll to find it. This was a result of Google's overabundance of advertisements.


A backlink is a connection that connects one website to another. An "inbound connection" or "incoming link" is another term for it. Backlinks are critical in establishing a website's search engine rating and popularity. They serve as a vote of…

Black Hat SEO

An unethical digital marketer or SEO marketing practises used to position a website higher in search engine results pages are referred to as black hat SEO. The tactic decreases competition site ranks while increasing the rank of the unethical advertisement…

Content Funnel

A Content Funnel is an effective marketing strategy that guides prospects through a series of stages to convert them into customers. The funnel is designed to provide valuable information, establish trust, and eventually lead prospects to make a purchase. Tweets:…

Keyword Cannibalization

Keyword cannibalization is a situation in which multiple pages or pieces of content on a website are optimized for the same keyword or phrase, thereby competing with each other for search engine ranking and potentially diluting the overall strength and…


In the context of search engine optimization (SEO), taxonomy refers to the way in which content on a website is organized and categorized into different sections, categories, and subcategories. A well-designed taxonomy helps search engines understand the structure and organization…

Thin content

Thin content refers to web pages or other digital content that has little value or substance and provides minimal information to the user. Thin content is often characterized by having a low word count, limited information, or being repetitive or…

Unnatural link

Artificial links designed to influence a site's rating. These might be bought links or links obtained through a scraper. These can result in Google taking manual action, thus they should be avoided. Good quality content is essential for healthy SEO…